Two interations: Power Women Magazine
Which was Better? You decide.
This webpage,, is required reading for Dr. Ren Noh's courses Digital Media I-IV. Students can view and download the complete reading lists from the online course page. Deemed an historically significant document, The Web Archive Project restored and archived this website to keep it available to educators, historians, and the public. Bob Sakayama's development team at TNG/Earthling managed the restoration. In an effort to preserve important websites that would otherwise disappear, WAP encourages visitors to nominate for restoration important websites that have recently become unreachable. Email info to mary @
This site has seen several owners and iterations. The original site created around 2009 noted that Power Women Magazine was an online publication about women by women for women and issues important to women worldwide. This is a good example of lofty goals fulfilled.
In the second iteration of the site, the new owner stated that their goal was to celebrate the achievements being made every day by women via informative and inspiring articles. It was a noble goal, although from reading the 2011 -2012 archived posts, most of them fall short in both depth and inspiration. This is a good example of lofty goals not fulfilled.
The newest owners of the site's domain have used archived content from both previous iterations. Read the posts and you decide which iteration of the site was more successful.
Content is from the site's 2009 - 2012 archived pages.
2009 First Iteration of the site:
Power Women Magazine and what we stand for.
Power Women Magazine is an online publication about women by women for women and issues important to women worldwide. We network to stand in one voice for not only ourselves but for women who can not use their voice. We tackle all issues with the government, state and local communities as well as worldwide groups through our own means or via non profit organizations whom we have partnered with to make that stance. Our Issues range from equal rights for all women to issues of homelessness among women, and everything in between. Our Goals are to empower women no matter where they are or who they are. We must network and stand together in order to to make a change.
Power Woman of the Month….
We would like to introduce Monikah Ogando.. This Power Woman is a gem to say the least.
Her business, Ogando Associates, Inc., is one in which women entrepreneurs are given the tools to start, grow and build their businesses to honor their best life and deepest legacy. “10.1 million firms are owned by women (50% or more), employing more than 13 million people, and generating $1.9 trillion in sales as of 2008″ reported from Center for Women’s Business Research.
Ms Ogando is an outstanding leader in her community. Some of her many talents are 1) Volunteer as a leadership coach with a personal development training program, local to Fort Lauderdale, Summit Education, Inc. 2) I also am the local representative for “Global Entrepreneurship Week” – putting together activities to promote entrepreneurship in the community, and empower small business owners with cutting edge business building strategies. 3) I’ve set up a scholarship fund at my alma mater high school to support a graduating senior who wants to pursue business as an undergraduate major. 4) Every quarter, I take on one pro-bono client, usually a woman who has a deep passion and talent for her budding business, and whose only obstacle to growth is getting the right mentorship. 5) Design and teach an annual entrepreneurship course for adults in my community, sponsored by YMCA.
When asked what advice would you give the next generation of Power Women business owners what would it be?
We live in a dual reality. For every left, there’s a right, for every tall there is a short. So for every problem, there is a solution. There is no such thing as an insurmountable challenge. The “problem” is not the problem itself, but who you think you are in relationship to it. Ask yourself, “If I were already a master at this, how would I think? How would I feel? What actions would I take? Then move in that direction. Success is certain.
MS Ogando our Power Women hats are off to you today and say Thank You for showing Power for Women in your corner of the world.
Ms Ogando can be reached here:
Monikah J. Ogando
The Business Explosion Coach
Ogando Associates, Inc.
Big Solutions for Small Business
t. 800.645.9612
f. 305.513.5190
What goes up must come down: toss your way fit.
I’d love to say this topic choice stemmed from a quirky desire to seek alternative fitness but that would be a lie. Inspiration came from a much more mundane place. As I lamented to friends my inability to juggle commitments with ease a topic was born. Perhaps, I mused, if I literally juggled I might conquer my figurative ball tossing, too. I was uncertain if juggling fell under the umbrella of exercise but sure, given my below average coordination, there’d be calorie burning laughs regardless.
Juggling has been around far longer than the Ringling Brothers clowns we now associate it with. It was practiced in ancient Egypt and Rome and popular in Europe throughout the Middle Ages. While I found it mildly interesting juggling provided entertainment for ancient kings, I was pretty confident I’d never be employed as a court jester. I wanted to know what benefits I might expect if I succeeded in teaching my clumsy self to juggle. As it turned out jesters were on to something and juggling for sport had much to offer.
Juggling increases coordination, balance and reflexes. According to skilled jugglers, prop tossing will improve my hand eye coordination and I shouldn’t shy away because I’m aware of my deficiency. Better balance and quickening of reflexes are also by products of mastering basic jugging stances and skills.
Juggling increases range of motion in arms and shoulders. To keep props in the air jugglers employ muscles and body mechanics rarely engaged in normal activities. One must contort in order to juggle smoothly. The arms and shoulder joints are in constant use, remain lubricated, and show less age-related creakiness.
Juggling is a workout for all ages and body types. Juggling for fitness is ideal because it’s a no-impact workout. Tossing objects in the air burns up to two hundred and eighty calories per hour, same as walking, yet can be done seated. This makes juggling a fit for seniors, deconditioned populations and stressed out writer types.
Juggling is an excellent stress reliever. This six word sentence was the proverbial music to my frazzled ears. Jugglers must be fully present and focused solely on the activity at hand. No matter if it’s a two minute work break or an extended routine one returns to other tasks with renewed mental clarity and calm.
Juggling makes the brain bigger. A study published in Nature magazine showed learning to juggle triggered growth in the brain’s visual and motor activity sectors. Juggling may also prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s as its forced use of problem solving skills (you can’t just toss the balls and hope you catch them) is thought to stimulate oft neglected parts of the aging brain.
Juggling is portable, free and fun. This final benefit sold me on juggling. I loved the idea of always having my workout with me and growing my grey matter or destressing at a moment’s notice. The mere thought of a balance improving, ball tossing session in the work restroom was enough to make me laugh.
Armed with my newfound knowledge of juggling’s benefits I was ready to get tossing. I grabbed a tennis ball, deemed it my prop, and threw it from hand to hand. Clarification: nowhere in my reading did an expert juggler suggest starting with one prop. All beginner tips led off with two props in hand. I, however, knew I needed to begin with the very basics and urge you to do so, too. If you’re not me it shall serve as a self- esteem boost and, if you’re my brother or sister in lack of coordination, it’s crucial to perfect the basic toss before adding props. This toss is as uncomplicated as lofting the ball from left to right but, I discovered, it’s not easy to ensure the ball lands in the same place each time.
Once I mastered that skill I was ready to add in a second prop and really commence juggling. At this juncture I swapped my tennis ball for rolled up socks as I was determined to learn to juggle with as little domicile destruction as possible. A catastrophic kettle bell tossing experience still fresh in my mind, I knew I couldn’t be too careful. Juggling two props was simple. If by simple you mean easy to explain and quite a challenge to learn which I do. Merely toss prop two up as the first prop starts to reach its peak (the highest point before descending) and repeat.
The biggest shock in adding prop number two wasn’t the challenge it was the fact I didn’t grow frustrated. As a woman who’s come thisclose to snapping a golf club in half, I’d assumed I’d find juggling exasperating as well. I didn’t. The few times I kept my props aloft the feeling of accomplishment was beyond compare. In addition, the zen-like focus required to get to that place rivaled my brief foray into meditation. My juggling was awkward and stilted at best, yet I laughed and viewed each dropped prop as a chance to burn calories as I chased an errant sock.
The answer to the question I know is coming? No. I haven’t, at time of publication, graduated to juggling three props and plan to stick with my new avocation until I do. With regards to three props, word on the juggling street is the more height a toss is given the more time there is to determine where it’ll land and catch it. I’ll let you know if it really is as simple (please see definition above) as all that.
To mark International Women's Day, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice established the annual International Women of Courage Award in March of 2007 to recognize women around the globe who have shown exceptional courage and leadership in advocating for women's rights and advancement.
This is the only Department of State award that pays tribute to emerging women leaders worldwide, and offers a unique opportunity to recognize those who work in the field of international women's issues.
Power Awards
2009 International Women of Courage Awardees
March 6, 2009
Hadizatou Mani, Niger
“No woman should suffer the way I did.”In 1996, when she was 12, Hadizatou Mani was sold for $500. “I was negotiated over like a goat,” she says.
Ms. Mani was a slave because her mother was a slave. Her status – and her future, and the future of her children – was attached to her caste. She was purchased by a man in his sixties, who beat her, sent her to work long hours in the field, raped her, and made her bear him three children.
Although Niger criminalized slavery in 2003, Ms. Mani’s master first kept the news from her and later tried to convince village authorities that she was not a slave but one of his wives. When Ms. Mani finally won her “certificate of liberation” in 2005 and married a man of her choosing, her former master charged her with bigamy. She was sentenced to prison for six months.
Ms. Mani worked with the local NGO Timidria, and later with the British NGO Anti-Slavery International, to bring a case to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) charging that the Government of Niger had not successfully protected her rights under its anti-slavery laws.
“It was very difficult to challenge my former master and to speak out when people see you as nothing more than a slave,” Ms Mani said in comments published by Anti-Slavery International. “But I knew that this was the only way to protect my child from suffering the same fate as myself. Nobody deserves to be enslaved. We are all equal and deserve to be treated the same … no woman should suffer the way I did.”
Despite direct and indirect pressure to drop her suit, Ms. Mani pressed forward with her case with resolution, assertiveness, and steadfastness. On October 27, 2008, ECOWAS condemned Ms. Mani’s enslavement, held that the government of Niger had not protected her rights, and ordered it to pay her a fine of 10 million CFA (approximately USD 19,800).
Human rights laws are useless if not enforced. Nigerien NGOs such as Timidria had suggested before this verdict that Niger’s anti-slavery laws are a “charm offensive” and were “passed for Westerners.” Ms. Mani’s victory was not only for herself, but for the people still enslaved in Niger. Her bravery is a ray of hope to them, and the ECOWAS court decision is a strong message to the government of Niger and other countries in the region that anti-slavery laws must be more than words on paper.
Ambiga Sreenevasan, Malaysia
“Gender equality is a responsibility of all Malaysians.”
Malaysian Bar Council President Ambiga Sreenevasan is a high-powered, high-profile advocate for good governance, democracy, and human rights.
Elected in March, 2007, Ms. Ambiga is the second female Bar Council president in that organization’s history. Six months after assuming her leadership, she organized the “March for Justice,” in Malaysia’s administrative capital, calling for judicial reform and investigation of a tape allegedly showing a key lawyer fixing judicial appointments and judges’ case assignments. Her public actions, and an intense lobbying campaign, led to a Royal Commission and a finding of need for corrective action.
Ms. Ambiga has also consistently supported the rule of law during her tenure, condemning the politically-motivated arrests of two journalists, and the government’s banning of an ethnic Indian activist group and arrest of its members.
Ms. Ambiga’s most controversial work is in the areas of religious freedom and women’s rights. She has assertively confronted sexism in Parliament, taking her case directly to the public when necessary. “Gender equality is a responsibility of all Malaysians,” she wrote in a press release that protested a politician’s patronizing remarks. She successfully fought to amend Malaysia’s Federal Constitution to ensure that women’s testimony would carry equal weight to men’s in Shari’a courts. She continues to fight for the religious freedom of women who convert to Islam upon marriage. Under current law, these women are not allowed to return to their original religions on dissolution of the marriage, regardless of the reason for its termination.
As a result of her attempts to find legal solutions to issues that continue to generate inter-ethnic tensions and constitutional problems, Ms. Ambiga has received hate mail, death threats, and had a Molotov cocktail thrown at her house. Hundreds of people from religious groups and conservative members of government have protested at the Bar Council building and called for her arrest.
In a country with a potentially volatile religious and ethnic mix, Ms. Ambiga has courageously persevered in seeking answers from within the rule of law, and worked relentlessly and energetically for that legal and governing structure to be made more transparent, accessible, and equitable to all.
Veronika Marchenko, Russia“We are ready for a long fight in order to make the law prevail.”
Veronika Marchenko started the “Mother’s Right” Foundation in 1990, while she was still a student. She worked out of a small room in downtown Moscow, with one table, one chair, and a telephone.
When her activism brought public attention to hazing in the then-Soviet armed forces, the small foundation became an NGO with a mission of exposing the true circumstances surrounding peacetime deaths in the army. It provided moral and legal support to surviving families and lobbied against corruption in the armed forces.Ms. Marchenko still presses for the elimination of hazing and bullying, which she claims each year take the lives of up to 3,000 of the men obligated to serve. “The basic postulate from the Soviet era until now says a conscript is a nobody,” Ms. Marchenko told an LA Times reporter. “He’s a cogwheel in a machine, and this cogwheel is a very inexpensive element of that machine which, if it breaks down, can be replaced very easily.”
Because most of these deaths are classified as suicides regardless of additional or contributing factors, these soldiers’ families encounter difficulty in receiving survivors’ entitlements. Ms. Marchenko’s group leads investigations into the circumstances of conscripts’ deaths, often helping to prove that a suicide was actually a provocation to suicide or a murder, bringing accurate information to grieving families as well as a means of support. “When we don’t win quickly,” she told French reporters, “we are ready for a long fight in order to make the law prevail.”
Lawyers from Mother’s Right participated in 132 pro bono litigations in 21 cities across Russia in 2007 alone. That same year, the foundation assisted 5,323 families of servicemen who died during noncombat military service.
The organization led by Ms. Marchenko is an outstanding example of a grass-roots endeavor that began with little more than a commitment to social justice, and evolved into an influential and powerful group. Ms. Marchenko’s courage in defying the pressure of authorities and her perseverance over nearly 20 years allowed this to happen. Today, Mother’s Right is a whistleblower organization that brings public scrutiny of human rights abuses to a large and opaque bureaucracy, giving vindication and sustenance to families and support and improved conditions to young men serving their country.

Reem Al Numery, Yemen
“I thought of ways to set fire to my wedding dress.”
In June 2008, at the start of her school vacation, 12-year-old Reem Al Numery was forced to marry her 30-year-old cousin.
“While my hair was styled for the ceremony, I thought of ways to set fire to my wedding dress,” Reem told Embassy officials in an interview. “When I protested, my dad gagged me and tied me up. After the wedding, I tried to kill myself twice.”
Reem is part of a recent cadre of young Yemeni girls who have defied their families and threats of violence to stand up for their rights. The legal age of consent for girls to marry in Yemen was recently raised to 17, but a combination of tradition and widespread poverty ensure that younger girls are often forced into matrimony in order to relieve economic pressure on their families. Customary practice dictates that the girls’ grooms wait until their bride is post-pubescent to consummate the marriage. This was not the case for Reem. She described to BBC reporters how her husband raped her: when she resisted sex, he choked and bit her and dragged her by the hair, overwhelming her by force.
The activism of Yemeni pre-teens sold into wedlock began with Nujood Al Ahdel, another courageous child, who, at the age of ten, walked out of her forced marriage and successfully initiated divorce proceedings. Her inspiring story focused international attention on the plight of child brides.
Reem Al Numery shares the same lawyer and same circumstances with Nujood Al Ahdel, but faces additional obstacles. Reem’s father will not consent to her divorce, leading the judge to decree that, because she is a minor, she must remain married until she can make her own decisions at age 15. Reem’s lawyer is appealing the verdict, and Reem is currently living with her mother.
Since she is still legally married and since Yemeni law has no provisions for sexual abuse charges within a marriage, this 12-year-old is still at the mercy of her husband and her father. “My dad said he’ll kill me for defying him,” Reem told reporters in August 2008, “but I want to go back to school.”
“She told me that she wants to live a normal life, like any other girl her age, and I am afraid that is not possible yet,” Reem’s lawyer told the Yemen Times. “Sometimes she just wants to play and enjoy life like a young girl, and other times she is talking about things like a mature woman who has been married for long. This marriage experience has made her neither a girl nor a woman.”
Yemeni judges, hesitant to grant divorces to pre-teens, have been exposed to international pressure by the cases brought by Al Ahdel and other girls. The personal bravery of Reem Al Numery expands that focus to more complex and difficult cases of enduring paternal complicity, and challenges the Yemeni legal system to put an unequivocal end to this crime that robs girls of their childhood.
Suaad Abbas Salman Allami, Iraq“A strong and credible advocate…to ensure equality is not only talked about but practiced and upheld.”
In the middle of embattled Sadr City, Suaad Allami runs an NGO called Women For Progress. The NGO manages the Sadr City Women’s Center, a “one-stop shop” for everything from legislative advocacy, vocational training, and domestic violence counseling to medical exams and literacy education and even child care and exercise opportunities.
A practicing lawyer with 16 years’ experience, Ms. Allami works both to strengthen Iraq’s small corps of female legal professionals through programs such as her highly successful Women Lawyers Continuing Education seminars, as well as to make certain that Iraqi Constitutional protections for women translate into day-to-day life. In the words of U.S. Army Colonel George Phelan, the Rule of Law Advisor and Women’s Rights Advocate for the Embedded Provincial Reconstruction (EPRT) Team located outside Baghdad, Ms. Allami is “that strong and credible advocate Iraqi women need to ensure that equality is not only talked about but practiced and upheld in ground truth.”
Ms. Allami is a highly visible advocate in a political climate in which voicing support for women’s rights is a life-threatening act. She is one of only two women on the 40-person District Council, and has served as Chair of its Women and Children Council since 2004. She’s served on the Baghdad Provincial Council and authored the January 2008 By-Laws for the entire Baghdad Province District and Qada Councils.
She’s also taken a brave and personal stand against corruption, resisting the efforts of a local strongman to extort money from the Women’s Center. She frequently consults with U.S. government and coalition forces, at great personal risk, outside the Green Zone. And when she learned about the extent of alleged human rights abuses at Kadhamiya Women’s Prison, she boldly conducted an unannounced inspection, CNN crew in tow, without regard for the potential for backlash against her. The Minister for Human Rights shut the prison down two months later.
Ms. Allami has expanded her focus beyond the extraordinary Women’s Center she’s created in Sadr City. She won a USD $700,000 grant, which she used to open four additional and extremely popular centers in Baghdad. And she’s submitted proposals that would bring female-taught training and education in internationally-recognized human rights precepts to all Baghdad District Councils and militia-age males in the city.
Rather than urge international engagement from the relative safety of a neighboring country, Ms. Allami made a brave commitment to remain in her homeland. Because of her work, Iraqi women are not only healthier and safer, but have the means to change their lives and their communities.
Mutabar Tadjibayeva, Uzbekistan
“They can break my body, but they can never break my spirit.”
Mutabar Tadjibayeva is one of the most vocal activists in Uzbekistan, a country in which human rights issues remain a serious concern. As Chair of her own NGO, the Fiery Hearts Club, Ms. Tadjibayeva has brought attention to human rights issues in the Ferghana Valley – one of the most sensitive regions of Central Asia – and helped people seek justice. She has monitored trials, published articles on child labor, reported on violations of women’s rights, and organized public campaigns. In August 2003, Ms. Tadjibayeva suffered serious head injuries and was hospitalized for more than a week after a demonstration she organized demanding the resignation of a corrupt local prosecutor was forcibly dispersed by police.In October 2005, Ms. Tadjibayeva was arrested at her home as she was preparing to travel to Ireland for a human rights conference and charged with several counts of criminal activity based on her activism. Despite the threat of a long prison sentence, Ms. Tadjibayeva remained defiant and told the court, “I do not regret my activities and I will continue them regardless of the verdict.” In March 2006, she was sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment. Ms. Tadjibayeva’s health suffered as a result of poor prison conditions, and she was subjected to forced psychiatric treatment and long periods of solitary confinement.
In June 2008, Ms. Tadjibayeva was released from prison on medical grounds, though she remains under a three-year suspended sentence. Despite the suffering she’s endured, and at substantial risk to herself, Ms. Tadjibayeva has renewed her activism since her release and is in the process of trying to register the Fiery Hearts group with local authorities. She continues to criticize prison conditions during interviews with independent and international journalists. At the same time, she continues to seek constructive dialogue with authorities on human rights issues.
While Ms. Tadjibayeva has paid a tremendous personal price for her defense of others, she has shown no regrets for her continued activism. Her astonishing courage is a force for transparency, democracy, and good governance in Uzbekistan as well as a larger example of the power of an individual to take a stand and marshal international support for the cause of human rights. As she commented shortly after her release…“they can break my body, but they can never break my spirit.”
Wazhma Frogh, Afghanistan
“My goal is to really represent Islam. It’s not a religion that oppresses women.”Wazhma Frogh believes in changing systems from within, and is willing to stake a lot on her beliefs. In 2002, when she visited a conservative district in northeastern Afghanistan, the activist overheard the local mullah urging male worshippers to stop her plans to start a literacy program for women. Ms. Frogh marched into the mosque, she told a Christian Science Monitor reporter, and challenged the mullah to hear her out. She recited a number of Koranic passages that supported education, and she decried the use of Islam to justify domestic violence and child marriage. The mullah listened, and then endorsed her plans to start the literacy program.
Ms. Frogh uses her scholarly knowledge of Islam to convince religious leaders to modify their views of women – views, she claims, that are often rooted more in provincial local traditions than in the real essence of the faith. “My goal is to really represent Islam,” she told the Christian Science Monitor. “It’s not a religion that oppresses women.”
Her activism began at a young age. In the eighth grade, she offered tutoring to her landlord’s children in exchange for reduced rent, so as to ensure that she and her sisters would be able to continue school. At age 17, she used her internship at a prestigious Pakistani newspaper to expose poor living conditions and abuses of women’s rights in Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan.
Ms. Frogh currently works as the Afghanistan Country Director for Global Rights, an international human rights organization. She’s launched public debates on domestic violence and marital rape in Afghanistan, both previously unmentionable topics in her country. She persuaded mullahs to join her in a month-long campaign of speaking out against domestic violence, and, by mobilizing a group of over 35 civil society organizations, convinced the government of Afghanistan to take action against child rape. Ms. Frogh also provides training to policewomen on issues surrounding domestic violence and child abuse.
Wazhma Frogh’s bold outspokenness for women, children, and social justice makes her a target in her conservative and volatile society. Her bravery creates safety for those whom the laws make vulnerable, and her commitment to peaceful change through the force of her intellect and persuasive skills creates both opportunity and inspiration for other women to do the same.
Norma Cruz, Guatemala“We’re not going to allow one more woman to die.”
In Guatemala, an average of two women each day die a violent and often grisly death. The number is increasing, and has more than doubled since 2000. While murders of men are also increasing, the killings of women are particularly gruesome, often involving rape, torture, mutilation, and dismemberment.
Norma Cruz, co-founder and director of the NGO “Survivors Foundation,” has provided emotional, social, and legal support to hundreds of victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse and to the families of murdered women. In 2007 alone, her foundation helped investigate, prosecute, and convict 30 individuals accused of murdering women. The NGO also runs a victims’ shelter – one of only a handful in the country — and also fights to protect mothers whose babies are allegedly stolen for an illegal and lucrative supply chain for international adoptions.
The increasing number of killings of women in Guatemala, Ms. Cruz says, is tied both to the poverty that is the aftermath of Guatemala’s civil war and to narcotrafficking. Gangsters reportedly kill the female family members of rival gangs, often as an initiation rite, and without fear of legal retribution. These crimes are under-reported and under-investigated, and less than three percent are prosecuted. The more common police response, according to a former member of the Guatemala Human Rights Commission’s delegation, is to assert that the victim must have been a prostitute or a gang member, have engaged in other criminal activities, or have provoked the killer with her infidelity.
Because of the pressure of groups like the Survivors Foundation, the UN-led International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) was approved by the Guatemalan Congress in August, 2008. Although it is too early to gauge the effect of the Commission, it has the potential to be an important tool in combating the gender-based targeted killing of women.
These advances come at enormous personal risk to both the activists and their families. But, Ms. Cruz told the Human Rights Commission delegate, “We’re not going to allow one more woman to die.”
Ms. Cruz was recently the subject of an urgent Amnesty International appeal, after one of her relatives was abducted and assaulted in what appeared to be an attack aimed at intimidating her and the foundation. She herself has received numerous death threats, and her home and office have been surveilled.
Ms. Cruz’ courageous commitment to the Survivors Foundation despite these risks has given voice to hundreds of victims, generated positive change, and inspired other groups and individuals, within the country and outside, to work to turn the tide of violence and impunity in Guatemala.
Power Causes
For the 2nd time I am participating in a Women’s world record skydiving event in September 2009 in California. The event raised money for breast cancer research for the City of Hope and I must raise a minimum of $3,500 to participate. I hope to raise as much as $10,000. I know times are tight but if you can help every little pit counts. To make it easy you can donate by going to my profile page and using pay pal.
Women’s suffrage From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term women’s suffrage refers to the economic and political reform movement aimed at extending suffrage — the right to vote — to women. The movement’s modern origins lie in France in the 18th century.
[1] Of currently existing independent countries, New Zealand was the first to give women the right to vote. However when this happened in 1893, New Zealand was a mostly self-governing colony of Britain.
[2] Similarly, the colony of South Australia enacted legislation giving women the vote in 1894. Places with similar status which granted women the vote include Wyoming Territory (1869). Other possible contenders for first “country” to grant female suffrage include the Corsican Republic, the Isle of Man (1881), the Pitcairn Islands, Franceville and Tavolara, but some of these had brief existences as independent states and others were not clearly independent. A contestant for being the first independent nation to grant the right to vote for women would be Sweden, where some women were in fact allowed to vote during the age of liberty (1718-1771), although this right was far from applying to women in general.
Voting rights for women were introduced into international law in 1948 when the UN adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As stated in Article 21“(1)Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
(3)The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.” Women’s suffrage is also explicitly stated as a right under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, adopted by the United Nations in 1979.
Women’s suffrage denied or conditioned
* Brunei — Women (and men) have been denied the right to vote or to stand for election since 1962.
* Lebanon — Partial suffrage. Proof of elementary education is required for women but not for men. Voting is compulsory for men but optional for women.
* Saudi Arabia — No suffrage for women. The first local elections ever held in the country occurred in 2005. Women were not given the right to vote or to stand for election, although suffrage may be granted by 2009.
* United Arab Emirates — Limited, but it will be fully expanded by 2010.
* Vatican City — no suffrage for women; while most men in the Holy See also lack the vote, all persons with suffrage in Papal conclaves (the Cardinals) are male.
Why We Must Still Remember by Helen Zia Beginning in 2006, the Women’s Media Center began a series of articles to alert the public about violence against women involving U.S. soldiers in Iraq. Helen Zia, a WMC board member, explains why we must continue to demand justice.
March 13, 2009
On March 12, 2006, a 14-year-old girl in Mahmoudiya, Iraq, was raped and murdered by a group of American soldiers. She had been stalked by the GIs, who, over pizza and beer, discussed invading her home and raping her. They went to her home in broad daylight, and as they took turns holding her down and raping her. The accusation: Pfc. Stephen Green shot her parents and 5-year-old sister to death in the next room with his U.S.-issued AK-47. Green then took his turn raping the 14-year-old and when he and his buddies were “done,” Green murdered her with his AK-47 as well. The “band of brothers” then attempted to cover up their crime by burning the bodies. Two other soldiers in their unit who aided or knew of the crime covered it up as well—and this might have become another war crime swept under the rug except for the courageous act of another soldier in the same 101st Airborne unit who suspected the crime and reported it.
When the news media first heard of the crime, military spokesmen and U.S. reporters speculated that the rape victim was not a girl, but an adult woman, “perhaps even in her 50s”—as though that would matter. But then the facts came out as the girl’s identification papers were revealed.
Her name was Abeer.
As the facts about these crimes emerged, to correct the misleading news reports, the WMC started our Iraq campaign and asked the question: Who Weeps for Abeer? We published several reports on the impact of the U.S. invasion and war on women and girls. Here are some of those pieces:
* “Abeer’s Courage” by Rebecca Hayden (August 9, 2007)
* “Spielman Court-Martial Underway in Murder and Rape of Abeer” by Rebecca Hayden (August 3, 2007)
* “The Casualties of War Crimes—Who Weeps for Abeer?” by Helen Zia (March 12, 2007)
* “The Surge: Moral Waivers and Legal Triage” by Robin Morgan (January 18, 2007)
* “Military Justice System Fails One More Victim of Sexual Violence” by Marie Tessier (October 2, 2006)
* “Manhood and Moral Waivers” by Robin Morgan (August 17, 2006)
In the three years since the horrific acts against Abeer and her family, the U.S. military has held trials against four of the men who raped Abeer or abetted the crime. These soldiers were court-martialed and received sentences ranging from 90-110 years—but may be freed on parole after as few as 10 years.
Stephen Green, however, was no longer in uniform when the crime was revealed—he had been honorably discharged from service early because he was reportedly deemed “unfit for service.” He has since been charged by federal prosecutors with murder and sexual assault; his trial is set for April 27 in Paducah, Kentucky, with jury selection to begin on April 6.
When the WMC began our Iraq Campaign, we noted that Congress passed the War Crimes Act of 1996 so that the United States could, under the Geneva Convention, prosecute North Vietnamese who tortured U.S. soldiers during the war in Vietnam. In 1998, the United Nations also recognized rape as a war crime and violation of human rights. Under the War Crimes Act, it is a federal crime for any U.S. national, whether military or civilian, to violate the Geneva Convention by engaging in murder, torture, or inhuman treatment. Significantly, the statute applies not only to those who carry out the acts, but also to those who order it, know about it, or fail to take steps to stop it. Yet no officers or military brass have been questioned for their gross failure to stop the crimes in Abeer’s home—let alone for any military policies that contributed to these abuses.
As the Obama Administration begins its review of torture and other policies of the Bush years, the WMC reminds all about a girl named Abeer, the human consequences of this war on families, women and children. The public and the media should not allow war crimes or war criminals to be swept from public view. Three years after the rape and murders of Abeer and her family, the WMC again points to Action for Abeer and the continuing call for justice for the many victims of war.
Power Radio
Welcome to Power Women Radio!!
We are so excited to have you along on this journey. Each Week you can find us here on the Internet Radio talking about all things that are of importance to Women world wide.
We even have a caller line so you can call into the show each week and be part of the program!
The number for you to call is 646-929-0160
We will be having a variety of topics to discuss, maybe a little music to listen to and each show will last about 1 hour in time. So come chat with us and give us a listen
Mrs. P ( aka Kathy Kinney /”Mimi” of The Drew Carey Show) is a fun storybook entertainment site that celebrates reading and books. Classic children’s stories are brought to life by TV star Kathy Kinney as Mrs. P.
3/24/09 - Kelly Harmon owner of BJort and company
***3/26/09 - SPECIAL SHOW Mrs P ( Kathy Kinney aka MIMI Drew Carey Show)
3/31/2009 - Tana Goertz from Apprentice 3 Fear Factor Participant
4/7/09 - Patricia Makhuto owner of Home party planning
4/14/09 - Deb Bailey Career Transition Coach
4/21/09 - Amy owner of
4/28/09 - Dr Barbara Holstein owner of
5/5/09 - Lyn-Dee Eldridge (woobie’s corner)
5/12/09 - Anny Jacoby -
5/19/09 - Karen -
5/26/09 - Tricia Greaves -
6/02/09 - Martha Beck -
6/09/09 - Roslind Sedacca -
6/16/09 - MJ Paris -
6/23/09 - Wendy Walker - Author of “Chicken Soup for the Soul Power Women”
7/7/09 - Lanie Adamson - Author
7/14/09 - Wendy -
Writing Guidelines
Our article subjects are those important to women worldwide. We reach many different cultures of women and love for women of all walks to join our volunteer team and write about their passions. You can visit our magazine at and get a feel for us and remember we are always open to suggestions..
Deadlines & Length Info
Magazine articles are due by the 22nd of the month, and can be just about any length.. pictures are fine
Newsletter articles are due each Friday and must be 1-3 short paragraphs due to space limits and may contain a small pic.
We suggest you go to our site and sign up for the newsletter so that you see what we write about and the importance of how things are done here.
**** NO ads will be accepted as articles. ****
Writer’s Guidelines
These are our editorial guidelines and licensing regulations for submitting articles or other information to the monthly magazine or for the newsletter. Please review and agree to these rules before you submit an article. Thank you for your participation. We look forward to reading your article soon!
To be considered for publication on our site the content of your article should adhere to the following standards:
Article Topics and Perspective. We are interested in well-written articles, including: how-to-articles, how-I-did-it, strategies, tips, and motivational articles that will help strengthen power women worldwide. Our readers are busy women and grandparents, and family members that are looking for quick-read articles that are easy to understand, fun, and to-the-point. The tone of the article should be easy going, humorous, and practical. We are interested in articles that help women in some way shape or form. Articles should be research and/or solution oriented. Issues such as human rights, or domestic violence these topics will get higher attention.
The article you wrote MUST be original. Any articles that violate copyright law will not be published or will be promptly removed from the Power Women Magazine site. In addition, articles should not contain any content that is a violation of any law, is considered libelous, or infringes on the legal rights of others. Please provide links or bibliography information when applicable.
Follow the Format. Articles should be written with the following in mind: brief introduction (1 or 2 paragraphs) followed by tips, suggestions, or the author’s personal story for the newsletter due each Friday for Monday’s deliverance Please try to keep articles from 800-1200 words for the magazine which is due by the 22nd of each month for the following month issue. In addition, article submissions should not include advertisements, sales letters, or promotional items. Please use your full name as the author of the article and include your tags of website or email.
PowerWomen Magazine does not pay for articles.(photos) However, you may write a brief biography with contact information, an optional photo, and provide up to two (2) links to promote your site - one that you own or control. We cannot guarantee the use of your article on PowerWomenMagazine , but we thank you in advance for your submission.
Notification Upon Publication. Article ( photo)submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis. You will be notified via email if your article hash been selected for publication in the Newsletter or Magazine issue. Power Women Magazine retains the right to edit all material before publication. A courtesy copy of the article revision will be sent to the author.
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Licensing. By uploading or providing information on or through our site, you grant PowerWomenMagazine a royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide license to: use, copy, adapt, transmit, publicly perform, display, and/or distribute the submission (article/photo), without limitation.
Editing and Publication. PowerWomenMagazine retains the right to publish, edit or reject any (and all) submissions and/or articles/photos on this site. Our editors may take minor editing license of submissions without prior approval, making every effort to remain true to the author’s original thoughts and intent. Submissions that require extensive editing will be returned to the author for rewriting or rejected.
nice to meet ya.. I am looking for women who would like to volunteer pictures to use in our magazine once a month. We are an online magazine for women by women about women and issues important to women. So working with women is very important to me. I do not have time or equipment to do what I would like to do in our magazine for photos. But I am looking for photos of women that can enhance our online magazine. our deadline is the 22nd of each month cuz our issues come out on the 25th of the month.
if you would like to volunteer a photo or two that would be great I would like to look at your work. WE do everything here at Power Women Magazine on a free of charge bases and have no means to pay you for your photo but it always looks nice in a portfolio and on a CV..
If you feel this is of interest to you. Please contact me so I can see your photos, or just go ahead and send them here.
My sister sent me a note about Power Women Magazine was looking for women who would supply images for the online mag. I happened to be in Maui photographing the interiors, exteriors and views from a number of condos for a company that handles Lahaina rentals. I was really enjoying this photo assignment and had extended my stay by another week so I could do a bit of sight seeing. I was particularly interested in doing a sunrise tour of Haleakalā, a massive shield volcano that forms more than 75% of the Hawaiian Island of Maui. I had seen a number of photos of the stark volcanic landscape taken by other professional and regular folks that were quite stunning. I wanted to experience this massive natural force up close. Also I wanted to get in more snorkeling, perhaps taking a small group trip to Molokini and Lanai.
I thanked my sister for the lead and looked up the site online. I liked the philosophy of the site and contacted them. UPDATE: It's been quite a few years since Power Women Magazine first appeared on the web. Since then a number of magazines by women and for women have proliferated on the web. They continue to appear and after 2, 5, 10 years disappear. In 2017 the New York Times published an article about such online / print magazines. My favorites include: The Riveter (ceased after 5 years, Mary Review, The Establishment (closed in 2019), Gravitas (still around), and Hannah Magazine, biannual(still around). Power Women Magazine may no longer be available as it was in its first iteration, the type of magazine that is created by women for women will always be here in one form or another whether it is litery long form articles or publications aimed for professional women promoting the advancement of multicultural, diverse women in all aspects of business and employment to ensure equal opportunity.
Second Iteration of the Site
POSTS 2011 -2012
Recent News On Accomplished Women Making History Today
By admin January 08 2012
Amelia Earhart, Marie Curie, Cleopatra, Marie Antoinette and Princess Diana and Mother Theresa.. These women are not just known for their beauties but also became famous all over the world because they have proven that there is actually no imaginary boundary dividing what women can and cannot do. They set no limits to their talents and intellects, nor did they listen to the stereotypical opinions of others.
The rise of feminine history didn’t stop there. A lot of women have already dominated the news these days. One of them Ms. Oprah Winfrey, the “Queen of all media” who hosted her longest running self-titled talk show and now owns a TV network. Of course, who wouldn’t have known Hilary Clinton who gathered the most number of delegates compared to any woman in American history. If America’s got Clinton, then Britain’s got an “Iron Lady” named Margaret Thatcher, yes, she has become women’s inspiration being a perfect model of strength, may it be pro or con.
Women has also excelled in poetry and novels. There’s no teenager who doesn’t know J.K Rowling and Stephenie Meyer who are the authors of the world’s most known sagas; Harry Potter and Twilight.
These women have not been widely known because of the amount of dollars that they own in millions, or maybe billions. They are known because of the god-given talent that they were never afraid to show. The list of women making it to our future history will continue as long as there is a will and initiative in every woman’s heart.
Model Wives – Take a Look
By admin January 10 2012
If you’re getting married you may be wondering what your life as a wife will hold besides housekeeping and researching sites like this one to ensure a happy home. The good news is that married women are doing great things – take your cues from some of our favorite wives:
Hillary Clinton: She’s done it all, from First Lady to Senator herself and we think that’s quite a feat. If you want to see what the modern wife looks like from head to toe, Hillary’s a great example.
Katy Perry: She’s a newlywed but we think it’s great what this young diva is doing. She’s able to carry on a successful, independent music career while being married to a star of his own right, Russell Brand. She’s the model for living your own way while being married.
Laurene Jobs: Steve Jobs’ widow was rarely heard from but she’s been credited for softening the tech giant and supporting him through some of his greatest successes. There’s something to be said for a silent but important partner as it seems Laurene certainly was.
The Women That Are Movers And Shakers In Business Today
By admin January 20 2012
We often like to read about the most powerful women in business, or the biggest money winners. Here we’ll look at the “most admired.”
A poll is underway on the Internet that features four of the most admired movers and shakers in business today. Each tells her own, innermost secrets for her success. Here are the winners so far.
What is most interesting is that all of them are media stars.
Sheryl Sandberg is COO of a leading social network. She says: “Live the moment and don’t be afraid to take risks”. Sheryl prides herself in the fact that she took jobs at start ups when she had all the talent and brains to move to a more established company.
Marissa Meyer also took a risk and joined a small start up company in 1999. She was the first female engineer among a group to 20. Her persistence paid off. Now Vice President, she spends the greater part of her workday at her main assignments, but is able to spend some time letting her imagination create new projects.
Oprah Winfrey is a powerhouse. We all know of her accomplishments.
Since leaving her daytime TV show, she is now starting her own cable network. Her advice: “Learn to embrace your power.” That she did, naming herself CEO of her own network.
Anne Sweeney is another powerhouse. At age 53, she is President of a leading TV division. Her advice is a bit different. She attributes her success to being a team player. Anne says: “Don’t try to imitate the behavior of others. Don’t try to be the smartest or be too quick on the trigger when it comes to answering questions” Having raised an autistic son, she says: “Learn to accept help.”
Current News About Notable Women In Our Society
By admin February 4 2012
Hillary Clinton is a notable women in our society. Hillary Clinton was a prominent person in our society before her husband became the 42nd president of the United States. Hillary Clinton is currently serving as the 67th U.S. secretary of state. It can be argued that this is the 2nd most powerful position in the world. She is an intricate part of foreign policy in this country and spent time in the situation room during the mission to kill Osama Bin Laden.
Women have also made great strides in the medical field. One of these women is Dr. Rosalyn Sussman Yalow. She was a co-contributor to the development of radioimmunoassay. This earned her, in 1977, a share of the much coveted Nobel peace prize, in physiology.
One of the many literary standouts today is Mary Higgins Clark. She started writing suspense novels in 1975 and has continued through current day. During this time she co-authored five Christmas books with her daughter Carol Higgins Clark.
So you can find notable women in our society in no matter what field you are looking. They have started to infiltrate fields of work that have not been known as women’s fields in the past
The Movers And Shakers In Business: Notable Women Executives
By admin August 15 2012
It has been thought to be a man’s world. Let’s face it they have dominated the business arena for decades, however, there were women who were determined to not be relegated to a homemaker, teacher, or secretary; forged ahead and blazed trails. They created a lane for themselves in a world monopolized by their male counterparts and made it possible for other women to follow their exampled. These women are respected not just as formidable women executives or female titans of industry but as formidable executives and titans of industry. Their genders have become an afterthought. To be fair, there is still a ways to go, in terms of the respect that a woman commands compared to a man in the business world, but if these women are any indication, it is short ways.
Indra Nooyi is the Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo. In her short tenure, Nooyi purchased PepsiCo’s two largest bottlers and revenues are expected to exceed 60 billion.
Irene Rosenfeld is the Chairman and CEO of Kraft Foods, in 2009 with the purchase of candy maker Cadbury, Kraft revenues soared to 48 billion.
Patricia Woertz is the president, CEO, and Chairman of Archer Daniels Midland (the world’s largest corn processor). With Woertz at the helm, Archer stock (ADM) has increased to over 13 within the past year.
Oprah Winfrey, Chairman of Harpo and OWN. What is there left to say about this media titan? She left her wildly popular daytime show The Oprah Winfrey show after 25 years, to start her own network, OWN.
Andrea Jung is the Chairman and CEO of Avon Products. She also sits on the board of Apple and GE.
Angela Bray is the Chairman, President, and CEO of Wellpoint, a health insurer that insures more Americans than any other company.
Ellen Kullman is the Chairman and CEO of DuPont, the chemical giant. She reorganized the business and now sales are up.
Amazing Women: Learning Of Their Notable Accomplishments
By admin Dec 24 2012
America has produced some of the most notable women in history. And most recently at the Google Science Fair a few more have taken one step closer to their own life of achievements. Shree Bose was the winner of the 17 and 18 year old category for her study on Cisplatin. Naomi Shaw won the 15 and 16 year old division for her project dealing with the effects of the environment on lung function. Lauren Hodge won the 13 and 14 year old area of science around marinade ingredients and its effects on producing PHIP. These girls are among the first in a while from America and they come at the time where people are finding that American children are falling behind other countries.
Time magazine publishes a list every year of interesting people, and women frequently are mentioned. The amazing women come from a variety of backgrounds, including science, entertainment, and business. Reading this list annually or combing through back issues is an excellent way to find amazing women.
Diane Nyad attempted to swim from the Florida to Cuba, a 103 mile swim, but had to stop half way through. This was not bad since she swam over 50 miles. To make it more interesting she is 60 years old. Diane Nyad already holds distance records for swimming. She is also inspiration for Barbara Majerus who is also turning 60 and attempting a 60 mile walk in three days as a walk for cancer survivors. She has already logged a three day total of over 50 miles. Nyad and Majerus are two ordinary women who are attempting extraordinary things at prime years in their lives.
Amazing Women: Learning Of Their Notable Accomplishments
By admin August 26 2011
The world is full of amazing women, and you can learn about their accomplishments in many different ways. Whatever your particular focus or area of interest, if you’re willing to do the research, you will find amazing women.
If you’re a history buff, it can sometimes be difficult to find information on amazing women. Many records document male rulers and the outcomes of war, but few textbooks focus on the accomplishments of the fairer sex. You should seek out specialty books that focus on women in history. If you’re a fan of a particular country or region, take a look at their rules, and you should be able to find one or two notable women in the records. China has the Empress Dowager Cixi, Russia has Catherine the Great, Egypt has Cleopatra, India has Indira Gandhi, and Great Britain has Queens Elizabeth and Victoria. Amazing women can be found all throughout history if you know where to look.
Time magazine publishes a list every year of interesting people, and women frequently are mentioned. The amazing women come from a variety of backgrounds, including science, entertainment, and business. Reading this list annually or combing through back issues is an excellent way to find amazing women.
The world of science has a reputation for being male-dominated, but recent educational efforts are bringing a balance to the field. One strategy has been to emphasize the role that amazing women have played in scientific development. If you take a science course or read a textbook, you should find information about Rosalind Franklin, who helped discover the the DNA double helix, Marie Curie, who discovered radiation, Elizabeth Blackwell, who led the way for female doctors in the United States, Sally Ride, the first female astronaut in space, and Jane Goodall, who spent decades doing field research in the remote recesses of Africa.
History, entertainment, science, or any other topic is full of amazing women if you know where to look.
Women And Their Noteworthy Accomplishments Making The News
By admin August 23 2011
Annie Lennox is a huge advocate for women’s rights and HIV prevention. She was recently honored by Queen Elizabeth with The Officer of the Order of the British Empire Award for her contribution to AIDS Awareness. Annie has also been very outspoken about the violence and riots happening all across the U.K. Another woman who has had many, many accomplishments in the news is Angelina Jolie. Angelina’s private life hasn’t been the best, but she is an advocate of so many things.The whole story can be found at:
She is a Goodwill Ambassador, helping children all over the world, even down to adopting several from different third world countries. She is involved in conserving wildlife in Cambodia as well, having named a project after her son, Maddox. Maddox was actually adopted in Cambodia, after she fell in love with the country after filming one of the Tomb Raider movie there. Angelina also has made efforts to help in Irag with children and making sure they have an education. Angelina was the first person to receive the Citizen of the World Award. She has also received the Global Humanitarian Award, and the Freedom Award. She is not afraid to get right into the thick of war-torn countries and impoverished countries to get her hands dirty.
Women And Their Accomplishments Impacting Our Society Today
By admin August 20 2011
I was thinking just the other day about women and their accomplishments and how those accomplishments impact our society. I discovered that it is amazing how society has changed and grown because women stepped out of their homes and demanded to be treated as important, real people. They demanded not to be treated as second class citizens any longer and kept in a tidy, little box known as their home. Many years ago, but in reality not that long ago, women started realizing that they could get an education and a degree.Never heard of this before? Get up to speed here. They started demanding their right to vote and be heard. They started realizing that they did have something important to say and that they had the right to be heard and taken seriously. When women began stepping out of their homes the world began to change in ways that some, men and women alike, were not ready to accept. Women began to work outside the home and run for political office. Because women have stepped out of their homes and demanded recognition and rights, women are now able to do and say anything. While there are still some that do not agree with the changes in women, all agree that without these changes in women society would be at a stand still.
Notable Women Making News Across Our Country
By admin August 19 2011
Keiko Fukuda’s personal motto is: “Be gentle, kind, and beautiful, yet firm and strong, both mentally and physically. Her life certainly embodies this motto and serves as an inspiration for women all over the world.
Sensai Keiko Fakuda is the first woman to reach judo’s highest level. The United States Judo Federation awarded Fukuda the rank of 10th degree black belt on July 28, 2011. She is only one of four living judo practitioners in the world to hold such rank. She also happens to be 98 years old.
Her recent promotion not only recognizes her skills and renowned reputation as a sensai (teacher), but also honors the legacy of the Japanese judo tradition. Born in Tokyo, Japan, she is the last living student of Dr. Jigaro Kano who founded Japanese judo and the Kodokan Institute in 1882. Her grandfather, Hachinosuke Fukuda, had been one of Dr. Kano’s instructors in the art of Tenjin Shinyo jujutsu.
Dr. Kano invited Keiko to study in the women’s section of the Kodokan at the age of twenty-one, where she overcame belt and rank barriers to now become only the sixteenth person in the history of judo to reach this milestone. Move over Betty White!